You Episodes 3-5: Thoughts

Can I have a moment to say, Joe. Boy. What. The. Hell. Are. You. DOING??! Whew. Now that I got that off my chest let’s talk about these episodes shall we. In all honesty, I love how every time I say, “There is no way he is getting out this one”. Joe immediately finds a way to dig himself out of trouble. As in the third episode, Joe gets a run in with the police. Abusive neighbor’s boyfriend calls them after reading the murder supply list he gave Paco. He smooth talks his way out of trouble with the police and even flips it back on the boyfriend. Hinting at Paco being neglected. Although, I enjoyed these moments. They were overshadowed by others.

I know I said in my last post Beck finally goes for Joe. But this doesn’t mean they are exclusive. At least not from Beck’s point of view. Joe, as always, waits for Beck to come around. While she is seeing other men to get over Benji who is very much-Spoiler: dead. However, no one is aware of this because Joe got into his phone and made posts pretending to be Benji, partying in some city far away. No one is the wiser.

Except for Peach, she is the only one who’s suspicious of Joe, and sees right through his façade. For different reasons revealed in the fifth episode. I honestly saw this episode as a game of control and Beck is a pawn. Which is sad because it leads me to believe either Beck is a horrible judge of character. Or she just attracts manipulative people. Maybe it’s both. Peach seeks control differently by lavishing Beck in gifts, clothes, a gold ticket into a life she will never have, and as stated before money.

It gives her the upper hand in their ‘friendship’ because Beck sees it as an honest display of affection. Except for money. Beck may be uncomfortable with it at times. Yet, she still goes along with it and sticks by Peach. It’s the same with Joe minus the money. He lavishes her with attention, and affection she desperately wants. Leading her to her ignoring the red flags. I think this is very apparent in episode four. When the truth about Beck’s dad is revealed.

Joe greatly criticizes her twice throughout these episodes.
Forgiving the one time in episode five where he tells her Peach basically thinks her writing isn’t good enough. I genuinely think he told her because he knew she deserved to know. Beck thinks there is something up with him in the third episode when she admits. She doesn’t feel she really knows him. But just as she does with Peach, she ignores these signs. Even goes ahead makes the big step to be in an exclusive relationship with Joe at the end of episode three.

I couldn’t help laughing to myself. Joe drags Peach over the coals because he thinks she’s no good for Beck, and vice versa. They can’t stand each other yet are two sides of the same coin. Which made the reveal about Peach in the fifth episode even more hilarious. Out of what I’ve watched so far, episode five is my favorite. As the tension and pressure between Joe and Peach mounts. Everything quickly comes to a head. We see more of the lengths Joe is willing to go to have Beck. And we get to see Peach almost match him move for move. But as expected Joe takes it a step further.

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