Books to TV

With the upcoming Shadow and Bones, and Six of Crows series finally on its way to the small screen. Thanks be to the Netflix Gods; my little bookworm heart is filled with joy. Read my previous post to get all the details about it. Here are three other books I would like to see be developed into a series. So, let’s get into it.

The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

What this book is about: Hazel and Ben live in Fairfold, a town where humans and Fae exist side by side. The town is swamped with tourists who visit in hopes of seeing a fairy or the fairy prince in the glass coffin. A fairy prince that has been asleep in his coffin since Fairfold had existed, and would no doubt be asleep soon after the town disappears. Until one day the prince wakes up.

Why Should it be a TV Series:
Personally, I felt as a book it left much to be desired. However, the ideas would be enough to carry a series. They could weave two stories together here. First season could focus on Fairfolds past and the story of the fairy prince how he got to be encased in a glass coffin asleep in the forest. Also, how the Fae and humans came to live in side by side. The second season could be about Hazel and her brother. And spoilers’ spoilers
There’s a murder that happened in the town. It is glossed over in the book but with a series it could be fully explored and turned into an important plot point. If that’s not enough, Hazel is revealed to have struck a deal to be a Knight for the fairy folk. This also could be stretched out in a season where she tries to break out of her contract. The characters are likeable such Ben, Jake and Hazel (when she isn’t being annoying). I think it would be a good choice.

The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey

What is it about: The diaries of Will Henry, an orphaned assistant to Dr. Pellinore Warthorpe, are found after his death. Held in its pages are the details of a very unusual life. Dr. Pellinore Warthorpe studies monsters. Throughout Will’s time as his assistant he meets many strange and mysterious late-night visitors, and things that should never be real. One night when a grave robber brings a gruesome find the doctor and his assistant, are faced with their most deadly case yet.

Why it should be a TV Series:
An obsessive mad scientist that goes around dissecting, and studying, monsters at the cost of his own safety for the pursuit of science. I strongly believe it would make for a great gothic horror series a la Penny Dreadful, mixed with a little of Frankstien. The settings are naturally scary and ominous. Characters throughout the series are very compelling. Some even have a warped sense of morality, especially Dr. Pellinore. Will Henry and Dr. Pellinore have an unusual relationship that progresses as the series goes on. A somewhat father and son bond but not quite. Their relationship is constantly challenged with each monster they must face. It would be interesting to see it translated to screen. Unlike my first pick. There are four books in this series so there is plenty of material to play around with. Four bloody, gory, creepy, disturbing, and entertaining books.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

What is it about: I think we all know by now what this book is about. Its hyped up enough everywhere in the book world. But since I did it for the other two. Karou is not your average girl. She collects teeth and wishes for her family’s business with no knowledge of who she really is. When an angel named Akiva, descends upon her world and threatens to tear it apart. He brings with him memories of a life Karou had long forgotten.

Why should be a TV Series:
Maybe it’s just me but it’s not every day you see an Angel focused television series. I mean sure they will appear as side characters. Living alongside vampires, werewolves, and fairies. But they are never given their own spotlight. I think the world of demons and angels here is unique. Besides, this series has everything, action, adventure, star-crossed lovers, and a likeable, smart protagonist. Karou is a strong character that anyone could get behind because she brave, acknowledges when she is wrong. While growing over the course of the series. The most interesting part would be her mysterious past linked to a centuries old war. Learning the bits and pieces of Karou’s history in the book was enjoyable. Again, it would be a perfect opportunity to intertwine two storylines. Karou’s past and present while using the beautiful setting of Prague. Need I say more?

Honorable Mention: Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

What’s it about: Skulduggery is a wise cracking, fire-throwing, walking, talking skeleton detective. Who takes on a twelve-year-old girl as a sidekick, and teaches her magic.

Why it should be a TV Series:
For what I can remember of the first book it was action packed. Plot was strong. The magic world is compelling to learn about. Stephanie, the main character, slowly becomes stronger gaining her own magic instead of having it summed up in a training montage. This way we are eased into the magic world and feel like we are learning alongside her. Humor is razor sharp. As Skulduggery, our flame-throwing skeleton detective, is as sarcastic as he is smart would make for great banter.

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